Arpi Nursery School: Re-registration

Hello everyone

We are halfway through August and we want to thank all the parents for the their patience as we navigate through this process.

We feel that the children are doing much better than expected with all the routine times.

To all the parents that had differed their readmission to September, this is the time to get in touch with us at the daycare.

You must confirm with us if you are coming back and when.This process will help us plan for the coming months.

If you have any questions please email or phone between 10am and 2pm.

First week after re-opening

Dear Parents.

We completed our first week back from a long break (if that is what we can call it). It was such a pleasure to see  our kids and parents.

After anticipating many different scenarios of what the first week would be like, I feel that we as a staff with the support and understanding of all our parents had a GREAT WEEK.

To all the parents that had worked, struggled and enjoyed   their kids over these few months, your efforts were noticed at daycare.

Your children responded well to the physical distancing that was expected.
We learned how to communicate with each other, even with the masks on.
We were able to stay in our cohorts, even though it was very difficult.

We learned how to transition within the school with our own cohorts safely.
We were able to use our playgrounds and enjoy the fresh air.

We want to remind all parents that we are following all of the policies and procedures that are posted on our website. If you have not yet looked at it, please make sure you do so..

Some notes to remember

1. The 4 spots in the front of the daycare that are marked with Pylons are reserved for Arpi Nursery School, feel free to use them.

2. We ask that you wait on the side walk during drop off and pick  up times.(remember social distancing also applies to adults).

3. Please remember our revised times of operation 7:30am- 5:30pm.

As always feel free to call anytime if you wish to speak to your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns.

Important notes about August 4th re-opening

As you know we are re- opening today, on August 4th. The following are a list of notes to keep in mind:

1. School Hours: Opening at 7:30 am and closing at 5:30pm sharp.

We have been closed since mid-March and we need to remember that this will be difficult for your children to resume a routine.

As parents will not be allowed past the screening area, children will have a difficult time separating from their parents. You are welcome to phone and check in.

2. We would also like to ask that if your schedule allows, it would be helpful for everyone  (especially your child) to make it a shorter day for the first couple of days. This will make the transition a bit easier.

3. You must bring indoor shoes, sunscreen (preferable spray), and sunhat.

4. No food allowed (excluding infants)

5. We are sending  you pictures of   the staff with/without masks. Please show your children these pictures as it will help with the transition.

6. Make sure you have read all the policies that were provided on our website.

(screen at home, no Tylenol, call if you will be absent)

4. Finally, we want to remind parents that this process is new for all of us and we are/and will continue to be working through perceived challenges.

The screening will take anywhere from 5  minutes to 10 minutes.

There may be a line outside the daycare, please respect the physical  distancing expectations. Bring your patience along.

It is important to stick to the times that you have stated you will arrive and pick up.

If you would like to change them please let us know one day ahead, as we need to provide appropriate staffing.

Note: Please  ensure you are adhering to our 5:30 pick up time as we need to utilize the extra time to properly disinfect the centre. This is to ensure the safety of all children and staff.

COVID-19: Reopening Arpi Nursery School

Hello to all our Parents, Guardians and Caregivers:

As you know, we have been closed since mid-March when the Province declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 which included closing down of all childcare centres. In mid-June, childcare centres where given the “green-light” to reopen.

As there is much to do in preparation to reopen, we are working towards a current projected reopening date of July 6th 2020. Please note, this may change as various regulatory approvals are needed to be in place before we open our doors.

The Province released a set of guidelines that childcare operators must adhere to in order to reopen safely. We at Arpi Nursery School have been working to update and revise our policy and procedures for reopening to meet the new guidelines. We are dedicated to protecting the health  and safety of your children, our staff and partners in the community.
One of the new requirements in the guidelines include limiting class sizes, which will reduce the overall number of spaces we currently will have available.

All groups will be a cohort of 10 which will include teachers. In other words, classroom sizes will be limited to 10 people including children and staff.

We will try our best to accommodate as many families as possible by following a prioritization guide, which has been provided to us.
We have reached out to all parents in the last coupe of days. If we have not connected, we ask that you reach out to us. We will be at the daycare Thursday and Friday between 9:30 am-4:00pm. For your convenience, our number is 416-781-1620.

I would like to remind all parents to come by and pick up  any belongings that you may have left at the daycare as there will be a deep cleaning done in the next couple of days. Specifically, there are a number of shoes belonging to School-age/FDK children.

Before opening our door we will be sharing our updated policies relating to COVID-19, intended to ensure the health and safety to all.
We will be letting you know the enrolment status of your child(ren) by Friday. All parents not provided with an enrolled space on July 6th. will be put on a wait list.

As always please feel free to contact me if you have any questions as we try to navigate through this unprecedented time.
Missing you all 

Rozet Madian and Staff.

COVID-19: School Update

caronavirus updated

We wanted to update you that Premier Doug Ford announced that the declaration of emergency continues to be in place until April 23rd. 2020. therefore we will remain closed.

Please make sure you keep listening to the news for updated information. We will also provide them as we get them.

We hope everyone had a safe and unique Holiday week-end. We saw that some parents had tried activities with their children. Some parents sent us pictures which made me very happy. We also understand that many of your home are looking like daycare classrooms, you are not alone.We are looking forward to the day when we can all be together and the kids can play together again.

A note for all the school-age children: We hope your learning form home is going well. Remember you can reach out and we can try and help. With any questions or just because you want to touch base.

Warm regards