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Goodbye summer, hello school.

August 27, 2018

Arpi Nursery School welcomes all the children back for another year full of learning and fun-filled activities

It’s been a busy summer but now that Labour Day is approaching, the staff at Arpi Nursery School is excited about the first day of school on Tuesday, September 4th. We welcome everyone back and also wish all the children who are new to Arpi Nursery School this year much success and enjoyment in their new surroundings.

Notice to parents!!!

folder 28127 960 720Please remember to inform the school if there is ever any change to the information you provided to us, such as addresses or telephone numbers, when your child(ren) were first enrolled. This is essential to ensure that both you and your children receive any vital information should we need to contact you for any reason.

Outdoor activities

kidsPlease remember to send a variety of different types of clothes with your child(ren) to ensure that they are prepared for outdoor activities. All children should have a change of clothes at the daycare.

Breaking News!!!

heartsIf you happen to notice Aline wondering around daydreaming, don’t be concerned, she’s simply getting married!!! Please don’t hesitate in shaking her and bringing her back to reality.

Maternity Leave Staff.

toyWe have had a baby boom at the daycare, be careful every one. As you well know Ayana had a healthy baby girl, Nina is still waiting and Fatema is off resting before her bundle of joy arrives.
Best wishes to all of them.

Summer closing News:

We want to wish all the children that are moving on good wishes in their new schools and challenges. Some of you are graduating, some are moving to different areas but we will always welcome you at Arpi Nursery School, your first home.

We want to thank all our full time and summer staff (who are truly a part of our daycare family) for providing our children with interesting and challenging programs.

Take some time and take a look at the pictorial stories in some of our classrooms, just to get a snapshot of all the interesting activities they did.