COVID-19: School Update

caronavirus updated

We wanted to update you that Premier Doug Ford announced that the declaration of emergency continues to be in place until April 23rd. 2020. therefore we will remain closed.

Please make sure you keep listening to the news for updated information. We will also provide them as we get them.

We hope everyone had a safe and unique Holiday week-end. We saw that some parents had tried activities with their children. Some parents sent us pictures which made me very happy. We also understand that many of your home are looking like daycare classrooms, you are not alone.We are looking forward to the day when we can all be together and the kids can play together again.

A note for all the school-age children: We hope your learning form home is going well. Remember you can reach out and we can try and help. With any questions or just because you want to touch base.

Warm regards

Arpi’s Kindergarten Tribune – November 2019

November is a time of transition

We are transitioning from fall weather to winter weather. This means that children will be experiencing the changes in their surroundings, the weather, the time, and the way they dress.

We do still go outside with the children so please make sure that they are dressed appropriately for outdoor play.

Please start to think about boots and indoor shoes. The ground will be wet and they must have clean, shoes for indoor play.

Notice to parents!!!

Please remember to inform the school if there is ever any change to the information you provided to us, such as addresses or telephone numbers, or health conditions.  This is essential to ensure that both you and your children receive any vital information should we need to contact you for any reason.

Breaking News!!!

Our new infant and toddler rooms are well on their way of being completed. We are at the final stages. Thank you to all the parents and children for all your support and encouragement through this process.

Remembrance Day

November is Remembrance Day and we try to do our part in remembering.

 Routine: Reminders…….

We would like to remind all parents the importance of a routine when picking your children up at the end of the day.

Once you go to the classroom to get your children please do so without disturbing the rest of the group.

Remember that your child maybe leaving but there are other children that are staying and need the teacher’s attention. If you wish to discuss your child’s development or if you have concerns, please do so with a phone call (staff may also call you at their most convenient time).

We would also like to remind you that you must keep your children with you at all times once you pick them up from the class. Your children are your responsibility once you have come to pick them up.

It is getting darker earlier so please be advised to keep a closer eye on them when you leave the building.

Your cooperation is necessary to provide a safe environment for your children.

Arpi’s Kindergarten Tribune – October 2019

october news

Arpi Nursery School welcomes all the children back for another  year full of learning and fun-filled activities:

It’s been a busy couple of months after the summer.  Fall is in the air, the staffs at Arpi Nursery School are excited about the new experiences they will have. Some of the children have moved to other rooms.    

Notice to parents!!!

Please remember to inform the school if there is ever any change to the information you provided to us, such as addresses or telephone numbers, or health conditions.  This is essential to ensure that both you and your children receive any vital information should we need to contact you for any reason.

Outdoor activities

 Please remember to send a variety of different types of clothes with your child (ren) to ensure that they are prepared for outdoor activities.  All children should have a change of clothes at the daycare.

Breaking News!!!

Our new infant and toddler rooms are well on their way of being completed. We are at the final stages. Thank you to all the parents and children for all your support and encouragement through this process.

Halloween News:

We will be celebrating Halloween on October 31st.  (Thursday).

  • Children are encouraged to come to daycare in costume. (Please bring extra cloths for changing).
  • Children will trick –or- treat from class to class as usual and then they will have a parade for all to see their interesting costumes. (We discourage masks)
  • Please label all costumes
  • Younger groups (9:30-10:30)
  • Older groups will participate in the afternoon.
  • This is not a religious event. We look for any opportunity to have a party and have fun.
  • Children will take home the treats that they collect.
  • We will have a small party in afternoon.

Annual Concert

Annual Concert

Dear Parents. Arpi Nursery School will be holding our annual hantes (concert) on Saturday June 15th 2019 at 13:30 sharp!

We will have a light reception following the concert.

Thank you

Arpi’s Newsletter: October News

What’s going on in that room?

  • Infant
    • The children are exploring paint and feeling the texture! Welcome to all the new children and teachers
  • Toddler
    • Toddlers having a stroll in the nice fall weather.
  • Preschool
    • The children have been interested in digging and finding insects they love to use the magnify glasses! Aline’s room is making a cherry tomato plant, make sure to look inside her room to see it.
  • Kindergarten
    • Welcome Kindergarteners Cynthia and Angel class is making their names with tape and paint keep and eye out!
  • School Age
    • Jennifer and Aurore are thrilled to see their older school age helping the new school age by showing them the way around! Nicola and the class are happy to make the newsletter for Arpi Nursery School! Come look at all the fun experiments we have done in the room!
  • Armenian Heritage
    • The Armenian room is discussing the weather changes and what clothes everyone needs to bring!

Fun facts about October.

Did you know that in October we celebrate Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is on Monday October 9th, 2018 we will be closed, but enjoy the family time!

Also October is coming soon which means we need to dress warmer! Make sure everyone has jackets, light hats, sweaters, and proper shoes for the chilly weather.

Last but not least our favourite part about October is…. HALLOWEEN bring your best costume because we will!

Hope you enjoyed the newsletter By The School Age Class

Goodbye summer, hello school.

Arpi Nursery School welcomes all the children back for another year full of learning and fun-filled activities

It’s been a busy summer but now that Labour Day is approaching, the staff at Arpi Nursery School is excited about the first day of school on Tuesday, September 4th. We welcome everyone back and also wish all the children who are new to Arpi Nursery School this year much success and enjoyment in their new surroundings.

Notice to parents!!!

folder 28127 960 720Please remember to inform the school if there is ever any change to the information you provided to us, such as addresses or telephone numbers, when your child(ren) were first enrolled. This is essential to ensure that both you and your children receive any vital information should we need to contact you for any reason.

Outdoor activities

kidsPlease remember to send a variety of different types of clothes with your child(ren) to ensure that they are prepared for outdoor activities. All children should have a change of clothes at the daycare.

Breaking News!!!

heartsIf you happen to notice Aline wondering around daydreaming, don’t be concerned, she’s simply getting married!!! Please don’t hesitate in shaking her and bringing her back to reality.

Maternity Leave Staff.

toyWe have had a baby boom at the daycare, be careful every one. As you well know Ayana had a healthy baby girl, Nina is still waiting and Fatema is off resting before her bundle of joy arrives.
Best wishes to all of them.

Summer closing News:

We want to wish all the children that are moving on good wishes in their new schools and challenges. Some of you are graduating, some are moving to different areas but we will always welcome you at Arpi Nursery School, your first home.

We want to thank all our full time and summer staff (who are truly a part of our daycare family) for providing our children with interesting and challenging programs.

Take some time and take a look at the pictorial stories in some of our classrooms, just to get a snapshot of all the interesting activities they did.

101 Downsview Park – Seasonal service change

Service change effective May 13, 2013

Monday-Friday seasonal service will be operated. The service will operate every 20 minutes.

First/last trip times – 101Monday-FridaySaturday/ holidaySunday
First 101 from Downsview Station6:00 a.m.9:00 a.m.9:40 a.m.
First 101 from Downsview Park6:10 a.m.9:10 a.m.9:50 a.m.
Last 101 from Downsview Station10:00 p.m.10:00 p.m.10:00 p.m.
Last 101 from Downsview Park10:10 p.m.10:10 p.m.10:10 p.m.

UPDATE: TTC rout 101 now is operarting in permanent basis.

[btn_arrow_blue url=”” target=”_blank” position=”right”]Toronto Transit Comission[/btn_arrow_blue]

Arpi Nursery School Holiday


It has been our tradition to host an International Buffet every year on the day Santa visits our daycare. This year he will visit us on Monday December 24th.  He will arrive in the morning around 9:30 am.

We will have our buffet following Santa’s visit.   As we are in our new location, we may be doing things a little differently.

We ask that each family bring in something that represents their own culture. Children enjoy feeling that they have contributed to their buffet. The amount is not important but the sharing with each other is.

Please write down your contribution or let your child’s teacher know what you will be bringing, this will help us plan for the meal.

Note: We ask that things be labelled if there are nuts in it as we do have children with nut allergies.

Holiday time is a busy and pleasant time to spend with family and friends.  If you have made plans to spend time at home with your children, please inform us ahead of time allowing us to do the same for our staff.